Time & Location:
The challenge starts from your first ever marathon to whenever you complete your 100th Marathon.
It is free to join the challenge and you can use our interactive map to keep track of your progress to this great personal landmark.
Medals and shirts / vests to celebrate you finishing your challenge are available within our store. Our store can be accessed from this link
About The Challenge:
Very few runners complete 1 marathon, so the prospect of 100 may look daunting? However, there are running clubs in a number of countries set up for runners who have achieved this awesome landmark.
Our challenge is set up to be compliant with the rules set up by the UK 100 Marathon Club. This means you must complete 100 attended events on your path to 100 Marathons.
You will be able to log the details of all your attended events, include links to results pages and print your log in a format compliant for vetting by the 100 Marathon Club. Whilst rules in other countries may differ slightly, it remains a great place to log your progress and the best news is it is absolutely free!
What if I want to continue logging my results after I've completed 100 Marathons?
Well you can! You will just continue around our virtual map as you pass other milestones like 200, 250, 300, 500, 750 and 1,000 marathons!
Remember, if you decide to complete your 100th Marathon at one of Saturn Running's events, your entry is free!! You can check out their future events by clicking here.
Good luck on your incredible journey to 100 Marathons.